Spirits are all around us and some of them take unusual forms. One of them is – Akita. We feel affection washing over us, turn around and see its friendly smiling face and a wagging tail.

Akita Inu, the Friendly Spirit Of Affection

Nature is brimming with life. It takes all sorts of forms, big and small. We interact with this life all the time. As we do, our mood changes. Once you understand this, you’ll see it everywhere. Whenever you’re out in nature, you reconnect with life. Whenever you’re in contact with life, you feel rejuvenated and refreshed. Akita Inu is one such source of life that connects us to nature.

Akita Inu is one of the oldest breeds. It has a spirit to match. Akita’s spirit shows timeless affection. It will adore and treasure its human to the max. When it does so, we feel timeless as well. Our bond grows stronger and we feel a part of nature. Running with Akita feels like a dream. In that dream, everything seems possible and magical. For Akita, it is a dream as well.

Akita Inu
"When you take care of Akita Inu, it’s not they who are adopted—it’s you." - The Akita Inu

Akita Inu’s Running Dream

I am running through the snow with my loyal companion. The forest we’re about to enter is full of ancient scents. I want to find them all. So many things passed here and left their mark. I want to make my own mark in the forest. I hope it stays there for the ones who will follow in my tracks. The trees stand tall and I can’t even see their crowns.

The path is becoming narrower. My loyal companion is on a leash and can barely keep up with me. We then start running. I take the lead. My heart is racing as I tread the snow. I can see he likes to run with me. He doesn’t have to say anything but I still know. He always comes back home with me smiling. It makes me happy that I can make him happy. I smile too.

Ancient Scenes and Scents

We reached my companion’s favorite scenic spot. It’s an ancient cliff beyond the forest. A beautiful sight breaks below. He likes to catch a breath here as I watch over the terrain below. It’s full of tall trees and ancient unknown scents. No harm will come to him because I am Akita Inu, the mighty protector. We spend time together and look after each other. Affection we give each other changes the entire world. For me, that’s all that matters in the world. By his smile I can see it’s the same for him too.

I have a faint memory of the ancient wild. Full of vicious beasts that roam in packs, circling and slaughtering their prey. Their howls echo through the night, curdling blood in the veins. That won’t happen while I’m around. I am the fanged force of nature but I also love to cuddle. This affection tamed me. I would never go back.

Taming and Getting Tamed

Creatures that live all alone become feral. That applies to everyone. We might not even miss it but we need affection. If we reach out and touch each other, we become tame. By seeking and offering touch, we learn how to be affectionate. The ancient spirit of affection then lives in us. That’s the case with Akita too. Its history tells us how it got tamed.

Akita Inu hails from the mountainous northern Japan. The Akita was used in dog fights, hunting bears, protecting the nobles and accompanying the samurai. To many people, it was an obscure, feral breed living in the wild.  That was the case until Hachiko’s unparalleled loyalty became a legend. Today, everyone knows the loyalty of Akita because of Hachiko.

Akita’s Undying Loyalty

I see Hachiko’s loyalty in my boy Bakudai and girl Aimi. They follow me around wherever I go. Their eyes light up when they see me. I feel blessed to have them around. It amazes me how loyal Akitas are to their family. People say it but you need to experience it to understand. I see the Akita loyalty in Aimi and Bakudai every moment of every day. That reminds me of the quote: “Forever with you, loyal till the end, I am the Akita”.

In every hair of Akita Inu there is a primal force of nature. This shows that Akitas are the tamed wild. They’re brimming with energy and loyalty. We tamed this mighty beast with our affection. From a ferocious wolf, we turned it into a loyal companion with affection. That’s how we earned Akita’s loyalty, burning bright from day one.

Your Transformation with Akita

Spending time with an Akita Inu brings about a remarkable transformation. Both dog and the human experience a change. Akitas love lounging around and running around. They will snuggle with you and then run with you. They will squeeze every last drop of loneliness out of you. If you take up their company, you will soon become inseparable.

Akita will make you start walking, jogging and sprinting right away. Your beloved Akita Inu will take you to your favorite scenic spot. There you’ll be sharing affection and smiling, remembering the moment forever. Akita Inu shows how much we’re capable of transforming. By giving and receiving affection, we receive a selfless response from Akita Inu. After all, it is the four-legged spirit of affection.

Find Your Hachiko

There’s a Hachiko out there for you too. It’s the friendly spirit of affection. It wants to be tamed by your love. Your own Hachiko is waiting for you to arrive. Then, the two of you can share the blessed memories. No matter how long it takes, your Hachiko will keep waiting.

Find your own Akita and experience true companionship. They will love you with undying passion. They are the friendly spirit of affection. Everything will become clear at that moment. Love becomes palpable and real. When you take care of Akita Inu, it’s not they who are adopted—it’s you.

Akita Inu

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