Forever with you,
loyal till the end…
Akita Inu is your connection to and a guide through the wild. Akita will stand by your side as you climb mountains, pulling you upward and making you run. With an Akita, all inertia disappears and you will feel your mind getting clear. You will start to focus on the here and now. You will get moving and you will feel the thrill of moving forward with your own pack, of belonging to a family. You will travel as one and overcome obstacles together.
The Akita Inu - 秋田犬 Tweet
The Akita Inu (秋田犬), also known as the Japanese Akita, is the tamed wolf spirit of Japan. It became famous in the early 20th century, finding its way into the hearts and homes of dog owners worldwide. The Akita Inu has a checkered history filled with drama and struggle. Only in the latter half of the 20th century, the breed got the recognition it deserves.
The iconic Akita dog is first recognized by its curled-up tail, pointed ears, and fluffy fur. It has an imposing size but also a noble, calm demeanor that can still quickly turn sour if it’s agitated. It’s one of the most impressive dog breeds, carrying in itself the spirit of ancient Japan.
Akitas are a challenge to train and mold into the perfect family-loving dog. Training the strong, dominant, and territorial Akita dog is a learning experience for its owner and the dog itself. It starts off with housebreaking and continues with fun daily exercises.
This website is dedicated to this majestic breed. I am the proud father of two Japanese Akitas, my beautiful girl Aimi and my big boy Bakudai. Stay tuned for insights, personal experiences, videos and photos.
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The Akita Inu - 秋田犬
“Climbing to the top requires the sheer power of will to push against inertia. Those that do succeed can marvel in a breathtaking view of how far they’ve gone.” – The Akita Inu (秋田犬)

The Winter Wonderland – Akita Inu Snow Escapade
All the best adventures start with a simple walk and end up in exhilaration. Join me on Akita’s forest walk to see how a natural hunter stays fit in the wild.

Into The Snow Covered Woods – Akita Inu Snow Escapade
Tame senses become awakened when entering an ancient winter forest. The primal yearning to experience the environment becomes manifest in a snow-clad forest.

The Breathtaking View – Akita Inu Snow Escapade
Climbing to the top requires the sheer power of will to push against inertia. Those that do succeed can marvel in a breathtaking view of how far they’ve gone.
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