Akita Inu Videos
Akita Inu Films
“Climbing to the top requires the sheer power of will to push against inertia. Those that do succeed can marvel in a breathtaking view of how far they’ve gone.” The Akita Inu – 秋田犬
“All the best adventures start with a simple walk and end up in exhilaration. Join me on Akita’s forest walk to see how a natural hunter stays fit in the wild. “The Akita Inu – 秋田犬
“As the winter draws closer, the Akita Inu starts getting excited to explore. The same old trails now have a thick coat of snow, evoking rich memories of the ages past.” The Akita Inu – 秋田犬
“Spirits are all around us and some of them take unusual forms. One of them is – Akita. We feel affection washing over us, turn around and see its friendly smiling face and a wagging tail. “The Akita Inu – 秋田犬
“Tame senses become awakened when entering an ancient winter forest. The primal yearning to experience the environment becomes manifest in a snow-clad forest.” The Akita Inu – 秋田犬